Businesswoman and songstress Angella Katatumba said she is open to re-marrying but she won’t be settling for less.

"...I'd love to get married for the second time, and if that doesn't work, the third, and if that doesn't work, the fourth... So what? It's done by Americans. You want me to stay with someone who makes me unhappy."

The singer Biluma Abayaye's first husband was an American man named Ward Alonzo.In 2000, they met at Ponanas' Club on Cornmarket Street in Oxford, England, where she was playing with a live band.

At the time, she was going to Oxford Brookes University to get her Master's in International Management.After they got married, they moved to Chicago, Illinois, in the United States, which is where Alonzo was born. In 2008, they broke up because he was said to have become too controlling and not have any goals.

The Tonelabila singer said that she doesn't care what other people think about who she dates.

"What other people think doesn't bother me. It's my life, and that's the difference between women who are vulnerable and women who are free. I don't care what you think, it's my life... Is it you who pays my bills? Do you pay for my fuel? Why does it matter what you think? "That's fine with me," she said.

The Tubigezeeko singer, who said she is now single, has said more than once that she doesn't date broke men and that she wouldn't be the type of wife to do things like cook.

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