Shanita Namuyimwa, a city socialite and former tycoon who is known as "Bad Black," is said to be hiding because she didn't pay for clothes she ordered on her 33rd birthday. This put the businesswoman who gave her the clothes in the red.

The owner of the clothes said that she gave Bad Black two pieces of clothing worth UGX250,000 that he had ordered but only paid UGX150,000 for.

But after this first payment, it is said that the Masolo Queen didn't pay the rest and instead blocked the business lady.

"Munange I'm asking for your help because BadBlack bought clothes from me for her birthday. I delivered them, and when the boda driver got to her house, she told him to put my money and the delivery guy's money on my phone line. The total was "250k." She didn't deposit the money by the end of the day, and when I tried to get in touch with her, she just kept saying she would. The next day, after I called and chatted with her a lot, she just sent me 100k and said she'd send the rest in a few minutes, but she didn't "The businesswoman said.

"I kept telling her, but the best she could do was block all of my phone lines and WhatsApp. I then tried to get in touch with her on Snapchat, but all she did was send me 50k. When I told her about the other balance, the best she could say was that she would bring back one more piece on Monday. But it's almost been a month, and she hasn't paid my balance or brought back the other piece yet "said the angry business woman.

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