Blu*3 was once known as one of the best "girl bands" in East and Central Africa, but they broke up in 2008, the year Barack Obama was elected president. Now, fourteen years later, there are rumors that the three-woman band will get back together.

Blu*3 was once known as one of the best "girl bands" in East and Central Africa, but they broke up in 2008, the year Barack Obama was elected president. Now, fourteen years later, there are rumors that the three-woman band will get back together.

Blu 3 got together after they won the TV show Coca-Cola Popstars in April 2004.

The name comes from the fact that Jackie Chandiru, Lillian Mbabazi, and Cinderella Sanyu were the first three people to join.After winning the Coca-Cola Popstar contest, they went on to make the albums Hitaji (2004) and Burrn (2007).The hit singles "Hitaji," "Frisky," and the afro beat "Tomalaako" brought attention to the album "Hitaji."

Blu*3 released Hitaji at the Lugogo Cricket Oval in December 2004. The group was a huge success from the start.The show was a complete success, with tens of thousands of fans filling the huge venue to the brim.The "Hitaji" music video went on to win the "Video of the Year" Pearl of Africa Music Award.

Then, Cindy Sanyu left the band to work on other projects, and Mya Baganda took her place. Things went downhill from there. After losing its star, the group's name was changed to Blu 3. Now, the group says that it might get its three stars back because Blu*3 is planning to get back together.

Mbabazi's post

Lillian Mbabazi wrote about it on her blog and asked fans and the rest of the world if they were ready for the group to come back as the same group."You'll be smarter. Be patient. Right now, I am the wrong person to ask. "I don't tell anyone anything," Lillian is said to have said when asked about the group's possible reunion.

She did, however, add in a kind way, "It is." It will happen."

"Anything can happen. We are in talks. I can't say much because that would give too much away. "But a lot of people would love it if we got back together," Jackie Chandiru said.

All Blu*3 fans and music fans everywhere would be happy to hear about this reunion.

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