Zari "the Boss Lady" Hassan, a "Mummylicious" Ugandan socialite and businesswoman, said that people who don't see what she sees in her boyfriend Shakib should sit down and shut up.

Zari says that she's the only one who sees and feels what she does about her relationship, and that's how it should be. Even more so since she is dating the person and no one else is.

She also said that she doesn't tell people that they should see what they see in their partners. So why do they treat her this way?When people questioned her choice of Shakib, she told them to mind their own business, or something to that effect.

Broke man

Fans who like to pry have said more than once that Zari is dating a church mouse, a man who is so poor he can't even buy the air in donuts.Zari, on the other hand, has defended herself against the claim that she dates a broke boyfriend by saying that she is a billionaire with a lot of money.

Still, these doubters say that all of Zari's past relationships were with rich guys.

When her fans told her what they thought, the Socialite felt like she was being questioned about her choice of a man and what she sees in him.

She told them that they shouldn't see what she sees in the man who has won her heart.

Zari is a strong woman who doesn't need to depend on the choices and opinions of others. This is clear from the way she scolded her fans and then left them without saying goodbye.

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