Once a big name in Ugandan and Tanzanian show business, Jack Pemba seemed to be making a comeback when he was filmed with a bunch of cash.

In the video, which was shared by a TikTok account that seems to belong to Boss Mutoto (real name: Williams Bugeme), Pemba says: "Guys, today is January 10, 2023. All my good friends who went out with me in December and are now struggling to pay school fees or rent, I have taken 50 million [he doesn't say what currency] from the bank, so do your best. Right now, it's 2:00 in January 2023... You can come help yourself until five o'clock."

He continues: "I have 50 million dollars to give to my friends who can't pay their rent or school fees. Come, I'll help you. Okay, here's $50,000,000 to give to my good friends. You all know each other, and you're all my good friends. They know who they are. So, here are 50 million dollars for you to take. Don't say that Jack Pemba doesn't help us because he only drinks and parties with us. That's not true. The 10th of January, 2023, is today. I took $50 million, so help yourself. You might not see me again between now and five o'clock because, do you know why? Today, I'm taking a special person to Paris for dinner at the Eiffel Tower. So, guys, this is the one and only Jack Pemba."

Pemba, whose real name is Jackson Akim Pemba, was a big name in show business for a while, but his star began to fade when he was arrested in 2017 for fake gold deals that put him in debt for more than Shs2.5 billion.

But the flamboyant socialite later went on Instagram to deny being arrested and ask God to bless President Yoweri Museveni.He has said that his Pemba group of companies has made investments in fashion, mining, security, and sports.

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