Muslim religious leaders didn't believe MC Mariachi's apology for making jokes about Islam at the Comedy Store because he didn't seem sincere.

Charles Kasozi, who goes by the stage name MC Mariachi, has been in trouble ever since a video clip of him making jokes about Islam got out. Mariachi was acting as goofy and silly as usual in the video clip.Still, the Muslim clerics were shocked by his spoof of Islam, and they made him apologize more than once for what they saw as an insult.But even though Mariachi has apologized many times, the Muslim clerics have not forgiven him. They want to kill him as if he had a Fatwa against him.

Fatwa means to kill.

A religious leader in Islam gives a fatwa, which is a legal opinion or order that often leads to death.

can be that important.In 1988, Salman Rushdie's book "The Satanic Verses" caused a culture war in Britain. This was because Rushdie was given a Fatwa for writing the book.Many Muslims thought the book was blasphemous because it seemed to rewrite the life of the prophet Muhammad. They wanted the book banned. While others, mostly non-Muslims, defended it as an example of freedom of speech.

Freedom to say what you want

Mariachi has had to apologize several times for jokes that some people thought were disrespectful to Muslims.Mariachi made a series of videos in which he asked for forgiveness from anyone he had hurt with his words.

Now, the Muslim clerics are telling the comedian to ask for forgiveness by Friday using the same platform he used to make fun of their religion.They also say that they want Mariachi to show what happens when Islam is shown in a bad way.But Mariachi is an artist, and artists are supposed to use their freedom to express themselves as they see fit. But if they can't say what they want because of taboos, rules, or religious rules, they lose this freedom of expression and the art dies with it.

Instead of asking Mariachi to apologize, it would be better for the Muslim clerics to be more accepting of art for art's sake and for its value as a democratic tool that expands the boundaries of free speech.Also, comedians follow George Carlin's rule, which says that it's their job to find out where the line is and cross it on purpose.

Mariachi did what he had to do, so why is he wrong?

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