Businessman and loudmouth Emmanuel Lwasa Kaweesi from Masaka City says Diana Nabatanzi got into his head while he was in her pants and made him break up with Desire Luzinda.

Lwasa and Nabatanzi were together for five years before she dumped him like a bad habit and gave him the boot with stiletto heels.

Lwasa thinks Nabatanzi did him wrong, especially since he says she made him break up with Luzinda, a good person, who he liked.He is sure that if Nabatanzi hadn't been there, he and Luzinda would have been a good match.

"Nabatanzi influenced me to dump Desire. She used her TV show to say bad things about her. "I shouldn't have listened," said Lwasa, shaking his head in shame.Lwasa seems to have strong feelings for Luzinda, who is now married to gospel singer Levixone, whose real name is Lucas Lubyogo.

The two are said to have taken their relationship to the next level last Wednesday, when Luzinda introduced the bible-thumping artist to her parents in preparation for their future wedding.There have been a lot of stories in the news about the famous couple's plans to get married soon.

But as soon as word got out that they were getting married, Lwasa started to think about the good old days when Desire gave him everything he could want.At one point, it looked like he would try to break up her marriage and get her back.But Lwasa said that wasn't possible and told the two people in love to stay together.

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