In the aftermath of the tragic murder of Isma Olaxes Tusubira, commonly known as Jajja Iculi, his friends have come together to arrange the release of his impounded vehicle, which is currently in police custody.

On the evening of May 6th, Tusubira was tragically shot dead at his residence in Kyanja as he was concluding his work for the day. The unidentified assailant fired multiple shots at him while he was seated in the passenger seat of his Toyota Hiace van, commonly referred to as a Drone. Fortunately, his driver, who is currently under police investigation, managed to escape unharmed.

However, almost a month following the incident, reports have surfaced indicating that individuals have emerged, claiming ownership of the van.Hajj Muhammad Kasajja, the father of the late Tusubira, confirmed on May 31st that several people have approached him inquiring about the van.

According to Hajj Muhammad Kasajja, one of the claimants stated that he had a 40% ownership stake in the vehicle.

On the other hand, Ashburg Kato, a close friend of the deceased, asserts that he has evidence proving that Tusubira was the exclusive owner of the van. Kato expresses his intention to assist in retrieving the vehicle from the police and handing it over to Kasajja.

Kato informed reporters that he and Tusubira had obtained their vehicles on the same day as gifts from a certain UPDF general. He further states that both vehicles are brand new and registered under each owner's name. Kato claims to possess documentation that can verify that Olaxes was the sole owner of the drone and emphasizes that he had not sold it to anyone.

Kato affirms that whenever Kasajja decides, he is willing to accompany him to the police station to initiate the process of recovering the drone.

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