Pastor Aloysius Bugingo praised his fiancee Susan Makula, saying that she has changed his life in a big way.

"Susan, I want to thank you in a very special way for being by my side. You are very smart and very strong-willed. I don't know why being stubborn and being bright go hand in hand. But with all these ideas about being here, having a party, and having performers, she has made it so that every day is a surprise for me... Thank you, "Bugingo said this at an event to celebrate Salt Media's eight-year anniversary, where Makula works as a TV host. Salt Media is owned by Bugingo.

Makula, who was 37 when Bugingo came out in 2021, said: "We asked God to let us live to be 120 years old and then take us right away. He should take us when we are 120 years old. He should kill us right away because no one will be able to live much longer after the other is gone. We don't want to be in pain."

She also: "I believe that we'll live longer because God said so. That's what God has shown me. Mom has seen four generations come and go."

Bugingo, 49, said: "We have to live until the fourth generation comes along. We have to live until the next 60 years of independence. This means that when Uganda has been independent for 120 years, we won't ask God for anything else."Makula and Bugingo went public with their relationship in 2019.

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