When Winnie Nwagi was turned away from Club Illusion for free two weeks ago, people told her that it would be less embarrassing to have a manager set up her appearances at places like that.

Nwagi and two friends went to the place in Acacia Mall, but Nwagi refused to pay the entrance fee. Instead, she logged into her Snapchat and went on a rant about how she had been treated badly.

She still thinks she should be able to get in for free because clubs play her music without paying her. Since clubbing is not her job, she doesn't see why she can't just go to a bar whenever she wants. "I think they have booking agents [for foreign musicians who have come to Kampala and played in bars without paying], but I don't and won't. Why don't you guys [reporters] come in? I just feel like going out, so I do. That isn't work... It's just that people still look down on each other here. How do you get rid of an artist when their fans are around? "she was curious.

"They treat me badly because they are used to treating me badly... I had just gone to have fun. I usually go there on Fridays when I'm free... The bar's owner is not black, so he doesn't know how things work here and doesn't want to. He doesn't want to be friends with anyone. I think that clubs and musicians need each other."

When talking to reporters, Nwagi said that clubs and musicians need each other.

"He doesn't think it's worth it for artists to come to his club for free. He sees it as something he knows. But I was hurt because [I see things differently than he does]... I can't pay to get into a club, but I'm still going to go in if you play Matala, Malaika, and Musawo, which are all her songs. When people see Firebaby there, it makes the place feel better, and when I post about it on Snapchat, people know it's a good place to hang out "she told me.

"You have to respect some people, whether you like it or not. So, when we come to your house, you should let us in because we're going to buy our own drinks." The bird said she wouldn't pay to get into a local club.

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