According to Bebe Cool, he is facing difficulties in identifying skillful young musicians who can take advantage of his initiative to provide them with free housing.

In 2022, Bebe Cool made an announcement that he would give out free houses to musicians who topped his annual list of singers who released big hits during the year. This initiative was scheduled to begin at the end of 2023. However, he has been struggling to identify deserving up-and-coming musicians who can benefit from this project.

During an interview, Bebe Cool expressed his confusion about whether he should proceed with the award ceremony next year because he has been unable to find any noteworthy music from emerging artists. He mentioned that he cannot give out houses to individuals who sing songs with explicit and derogatory lyrics like "Chai We Njai" by Omutume Planet. He also stated that the content and direction of such music are negatively influencing young people and leading them towards harmful substances like marijuana. Therefore, he is reluctant to give a land title to anyone who creates such music.

According to the Gyenvudde singer, young musicians have developed an attitude of arrogance and are unwilling to accept advice.

Bebe Cool pointed out that some young singers have experienced short-lived success in the music industry and quickly faded into obscurity. He expressed concern that many up-and-coming artists disrespect established musicians and fail to realize that success in the music industry is often temporary.

He emphasized the importance of developing positive attitudes and making valuable connections in the industry, as they can provide valuable support when a musician's popularity wanes. Bebe Cool also revealed that he is increasingly hesitant to assist emerging musicians, particularly those who show disrespect towards established artists.

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