Frank Gashumba, a social commentator, said that men are becoming less and less important to their women.

"We live in the age of useless men. Most men serve as their wives' askaris [escorts]... Nothing is worse than going out with a woman and not having anything to do with what she is wearing... He is not your boyfriend; he is simply an askari accompanying you to the event "According to Gashumba in an interview.

Gashumba's remarks come after an audio message he recorded for his friend Diana to send to his daughter, Sheila, became public.The bombastic social media personality is heard referring to one of Sheilah's boyfriends as a rascal in part of the message.

"They found me in a restaurant in Nsambya one day, he was with that rascal and his father, his ears and nose were pierced, and his hair resembled Kony's [Joseph Kony is the founder of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)]. Gashumba, you bring such people to me? Even if I'm no longer alive, "said Gashumba.

He then chastised the boyfriend for driving Sheilah's BMW (purchased by Gashumba) instead of his own.Many people who heard the audio assumed he was referring to musician Rickman Manrick.Manrick has admitted that he has no problem relying on a woman.

"I'm surviving on my wealthy wife... if anyone has been hurt, come and take it from me. My woman is wealthy; having a wealthy girlfriend is not a bad thing... she is fantastic, she is the best, and she is fantastic, there is nothing you can tell me... she has everything... there is nothing you can take away from her, "He stated.

Manrick was recently given a ticket to see Arsenal play Manchester United at the Emirates Stadium in London on January 22, 2023. They've gone on vacation ahead of schedule.

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