Bebe Cool recently made reporters laugh when he said that aspiring musicians need to dress well and take baths if they want to play in the big leagues.

Gravity Omutujju had said about a month ago that Jose Chameleone, Bobi Wine, and Cool should leave the music business because they had become lazy. Cool was taking a jab at Gravity in a roundabout way.Here are a few of the funny things that Omutujju has said about Cool in interviews with the media.

When talking to Calvin de Entertainer: "Bebe Cool is like me. We both reach the same people. Bebe Cool is a local musician, just like me. He might think of himself as an international artist. Even you, as a friend, might say that. I don't hate him, it's just the truth."While on the STV show 100 Degrees: "Bebe Cool doesn't understand. I don't even know what his music is about."While appearing on Spark TV, Omutujju said: "I don't like Bebe Cool. He is just an old man, like all the other old people we meet along the way. He doesn't listen. He is happy."

Cool once stopped Gravity from playing."Bebe Cool found me at a bar and took the mic away from me. I was singing Walumbe Zaaya. And he said, "I'm leaving, that one of Walumbe... do you want Walumbe or Big Size?" People wanted to be big. He was pretty. He took the mic away from me... And I thought, Will I get better? ... I let him sing first, and then I sang when there were only about eight people left in the room. I was new to the music business... He used to call me Walumbe, which means "death" in Ugandan "In a video that this reporter saw, Omutujju said.

In a different video, "I sang a song called "Kere Kere" with Bebe Cool. He put it off until we just gave up. Everything went away."During an interview with Spark TV, Zuena said that Omutujju didn't release the song because Cool is a supporter of the government and Gravity Omutujju didn't want the opposition to attack him.Also, Omutujju and Cool made a song called "Kerere" together.

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