Radio host Mr. Henrie revealed he still talks to his ex Prima Kardashi.

During a Galaxy FM show, Florah Show, one of the co-hosts, raised the topic with Mr. Henrie, mentioning that Geosteady (Prima Kardashi's former partner) had once suggested that he was the right person to help her overcome what he believed was her going through a period of depression. In response, Mr. Henrie stated, "I don't understand why he thought I was going through depression."

Florah elaborated, saying, "That's what people assumed."

Mr. Henrie then offered an explanation for why he maintains communication with both Prima and Geosteady, saying, "These situations are distinct. My reason for staying in touch with Prima, on a personal level, is because ending a relationship doesn't necessarily mean becoming sworn enemies. And my reason for communicating with Geosteady is because he is an artist, and I work in radio and television. We both rely on each other; it's a symbiotic relationship. So, in the end, ego is set aside. In late 2022, Prima Kardashi mentioned that she doesn't miss him, emphasizing that she erases memories when a relationship ends.

"I'm not the type to yearn for the past. If someone exits my life, especially in terms of a relationship, I don't hold on to memories. I'm not someone who dwells on the past. I move forward with what's ahead," she remarked.

The two were briefly in a relationship, and Prima Kardashi had mentioned that she turned to him for support after parting ways with singer Geosteady. Their relationship had been a source of delight for their enthusiastic fans, who often shared pictures of their happy moments on social media.

Then, in June 2021, Kardashi traveled to Dubai to attend MC Richie's Summer Festival, where she met South African-based socialite Medi Moore.

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