Victor Kamenyo, a rapper, said that his girlfriend Ruth Akoragye broke up with him because he didn't show her off enough.

Akoragye would tell Kamenyo that if he didn't do that, it was a sign that he had other girlfriends.

"She left me because she said I wasn't showing her off in public, which she didn't like. Kamenyo said in an interview with Cruz Xclusive (YouTube): "I don't show her to people, I have other girls. I took her to my ancestral home." I took her to my mom to show her. She knows my background."

When asked if he would spend money on his girlfriend, the rapper said, "I don't have any money because I'm a hustler, but we would share what little I get because I work."

Kamenyo had said before that she broke up with him because she saw him flirting with another girl on WhatsApp and decided to leave him. He has tried many things since then to get her back, like getting a tattoo of her on his chest, writing songs about how sorry he is, and bringing gifts to her house, but nothing has worked.

He said, "You're messing around with love, and it hurts." "There may be six billion women in the world, but when you're in love, you can't think of a better woman than her. Even if you brought Beyonce [Knowles] right now, she wouldn't be as good as my girlfriend."

The singer of the hit song "Nduulu" is still sure she'll come back. "I'm still hopeful. "I believe in God, and I think God put us together for a reason," he said. But the singer also said that they haven't talked on the phone since she broke up with him. She also stays away from anyone who tries to get in touch with them.

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