Gravity Omutujju recently said that Bebe Cool, Jose Chameleone, and Bobi Wine should leave the music business for younger artists. In response, Bebe Cool didn't hold back.

Gravity said these things after the group refused to help promote his October 1 concert. He said that even though they didn't help him, his concert was well attended, which suggests that they don't have as much power as they used to.

He said that they were jealous and that, since some of them had moved into other fields, like Wine into politics, they should focus on those things and let young people who love music do the music.

Cool says that they still have to pay their bills, and Omutujju, who is also known as Gravity, should do the work if he wants to be among the top dogs.

"The people in the audience built the cage, not us. The crowd says, "Leave those three men alone, at least until you're as good as them." We haven't gotten to this point yet. Ugandans are the ones who put us there. Ugandans, whose attention we are trying to get by competing and singing, built the cage. If you want to get rid of Bebe Cool, you should make good music for Ugandans, have a good attitude, be disciplined, dress well, take a bath, and be respectful. Only then will they respect you. People will like you and put you in the same league as Bobi Wine and Chameleone "said cool in a video that this reporter saw.

"Jamaicans and Congolese used to run the business, but now Ugandans are in charge. I've heard people say that if you keep making fun of Bebe Cool, people will notice you. But you might only get it for three months and then have to struggle for the next 30 years. So, think about what your audience wants from you."

He added: "We all play music. We are parents. We have to pay for our kids. Dress their wives. We have bills for water and electricity. So, when you tell us to quit the music business, do you have a job you want us to go to so you can feed our kids?"

He kept going: "We have to take care of our kids and wives. We have bills for water, electricity, gas, and school fees... And he forgot that as we've gotten better, we've helped a lot of people... So, do you have a plan for us if you want us to stop making music?"

Gravity said that he didn't invite Cool to his concert because Cool supports the ruling government and he didn't want to make his fans angry.

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