Frank Gashumba doesn't like seeing tattoos on Sheilah's body.

In a voice message to Sheilah that got out recently, Gashumba said he was surprised to see his daughter with tattoos because she has such beautiful skin.

"How can God give you the most beautiful skin and you tattoo yourself?People bleach their skin every day to look like hers. You even got a tattoo on your butt, and you think I can be happy with that?" In the voice note, Gashumba said.

"I used to wash her when she was a baby, so I know everything about her. She had no scars, and when I took her to Kikuubo in downtown Kampala, people asked if her mother is white or Indian. But you have tattoos? You got that scoundrel (God's Plan) on your back? [Later, Sheila hid the tattoo]. I'm in pain."

Gashumba spends most of the voice note talking about how frustrated he is. He says that he made a lot of sacrifices to send his daughter to the most expensive schools in the country, but that Sheilah won't listen to his advice, even though he has connections and good intentions.

At one point, he talks about how Sheilah recently introduced him to a boyfriend who looked like he hadn't been taken care of."One day, they found me at a restaurant in Nsambya. He was with that rascal and his father. His ears and nose were pierced, and his hair looked like Joseph Kony's. Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Gashumba, you bring me such people? Even if I'm dead, "In the sound clip, Gashumba says.

He also says that he bought Sheilah a BMW, which she then gave to her boyfriend, who can't pay to fix it.Sheilah and an unnamed boyfriend recently asked Gashumba for Shs4 million to change the car's battery, but he said no, "insisting that they only change the ignition because the battery is fine."

Gashumba said that when she went to the US, he had to take the car to a paint shop.

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