Juliana Kanyomozi thinks that a woman shouldn't get into a relationship just to get help with her money problems.

The "Nkyanoonya" says that it is better to be financially stable before getting into a relationship. She told the girls, "Don't wait around for a man who will give you everything." "If God does that for you, it's a blessing, but a woman making her own money is the best thing in the world."

Angella Katatumba is another musician who agrees with Kanyomozi about how important it is to be financially independent.

"I don't have to settle because I have options. A lot of girls have settled because they want to feel safe and to be able to depend on someone. They want a man to take care of them, so they settle. Lucky for me, I don't have those issues. Because I am independent. I was brought up to be on my own, "she explained in a recent interview when asked why she hasn't gotten married yet.

"When you are on your own, you can choose what to do. You choose who to hang out with. I'm free to do what I want. I'm not under pressure." During the interview, Kanyomozi couldn't point to a single reason why people can't find good partners for long-term relationships. "I can't say it's because of our generation... I don't know," she said when asked if she hears more and more from her friends that it's hard to find a partner. "It's easy to find someone who likes you, but it's hard to find someone who loves you back."

Kanyomozi thinks that people shouldn't try to find love. Instead, they should "let it work itself out," because "if it's meant to be, it'll find you."Note that on August 19, Juliana Kanyomozi will have her first concert in eight years.

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