Spice Diana, whose real name is Diana Hajara Namakwaya, thinks that people would have a very different view of Weasel Manizo if they focused on his strengths instead of his weaknesses.

"So many times, I talk to Weasel. When he comes to the studio, we have a good time. But the problem isn't Weasel; it's the people. People have been so hard on Weasel, focusing on his flaws instead of his strengths, even though we all know he's good "Diana said when asked what she thought about the singer, who has been in some scandals recently and whose music career has been rocky since the death of his singing partner, Mowzey Radio.

Radio died in 2018. That same year, GoodLyfe released a song with Diana called "Kyuma," which was their last video.

Diana told reporters on Thursday, "I was the last one to do a video with them." David Washington Ebangit was in charge of the song's sound, and Aaronaire from Swangz Films, which is part of Swangz Avenue, was in charge of the video.

"When I was talking to Weasel, I think it was about a year ago, he said something that stuck with me. He said, "Cathy, I regret why I'm still alive... why am I still alive?" I want to be dead. Since Mowzey died, my life has been turned on its head. I don't understand why I'm still here "Kusasira said.

"When someone says something like that, I know they are in a lot of pain. I think it's too much for them to handle. And I told him that he shouldn't worry about it because everything is possible in life. Because he hates himself, he sometimes does things he shouldn't have. We don't know this Weasel. He is a good kid, though."

Radio died on February 1, 2018, and they sang together as GoodLyfe. They sang great songs together, but Weasel's music career has gone downhill since he died.

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