After Weasel Manizo said he could help businessman Emmanuel Lwasa get a bigger penis, Lwasa called him a fool.

Weasel, whose real name is Douglas Mayanja, told reporters that he and his brother Pallaso, whose real name is Pius Mayanja, have a way to stretch his penis. He told Lwasa to go see them in Makindye, which is near Kampala, and get help.

"We love you a lot, Lwasa. Come here so we can stretch you... Lwasa call me... Lwasa, we know what to do. It belongs to Uncle Pallaso. Come to Makindye, and we'll just do a little stretching... Check Pallaso if you don't think we can help Lwasa. Please come and show them, Pallaso. The only problem is that I heard he doesn't give out money, he just offers Shs1,000 like his name," Weasel said.

Lwasa told Spark TV that he doesn't know who Weasel is. That he only knows Mowzey Radio, who used to sing with him under the name GoodLyfe. "Radio died, and I knew him. There is a young man who used to help him, but I don't know if he's the one you're talking about. I can't know that one, so what do I need him for? I don't even know what songs he's written... A senior like me... hehe, and you say such things to him... He is stupid. He is stupid. I won't even answer him, because a fool who answers a fool becomes a fool himself... He is a young man, so I don't have to answer him "he said.

Lwasa, who recently broke up with Vanessa Vanny after she changed her mind about getting married, said that he is currently dating someone. "I've got a girl, and she's young. She is 22, "Lwasa said.Vanessa and Lwasa had been together for less than a year.

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