Gerald Kiweewa Latest Songs

Akayumba By Gerald Kiweewa...
Akabimbi remix By Gerald Kiwee...
Eggaali Ekozeko By Gerald Kiwe...
Ekyooyo By Gerald Kiweewa...
Embaga Yakiwewa By Gerald Kiwe...
Empale yo egwa By Gerald Kiwe...
Ensiitaano By Gerald Kiweewa...
Gerald Kiweewa By Gerald Kiwee...
Gerald Kiweewa Songs Mp3 Downl...
Gundi Okuzze By Gerald Kiweewa...
Kameme By Gerald Kiweewa...
Kayukiyuki By Gerald Kiweewa f...
Lukanyala By Gerald Kiweewa...
Muserebende By Gerald Kiweewa...
Nakamaanya by Gerald Kiweewa...
Nantaba By Dina Rukoti ft Ge...
Ndaga Kyokweka by Gerald Kiwew...
Obuwangwa by Gerald Kiweewa...
Yitako Jozaalwa by Gerald Kiwe...
Zaake By Gerald Kiweewa...
Gerald Kiweewa
Kadongo Kamu Artist

In Empaleyo Eggude, a song that has been popular on Kadongo Kamu for a long time, Gerald Kiwewa criticizes young people for how they dress, especially their sagging pants. Kiwewa says that this act is pointless, rude, and dangerous to our culture and the next generation. The Empaleyo Eggude video will make you laugh for many reasons, one of which is that the acting is so real.

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