Irene Namatovu
1987 is the year Irene Namatovu was born.
Masaka is the name of the town and village where she grew up. She's married to a musician named Geofrey Lutaya, whom she met at her home masaka in 2011.She is the mother of three children whose last names are all Lutaaya: Pius Sonko, Patra Nambatya, and Precius Nabulya.Yams, cassava rice, and fish are her favorite foods. She says that she can't go more than one day without any of these things.
Irene can't stand it when a man goes out with other women, and she hates men who do it. She says that Geoffrey Lutaaya is just the right man for her.She can't get enough of Nigerian movies. Genevieve Nnaji, Omotola Ekehinde, and Emeka Ike are her favorite actors.She is very interested in fashion and will pay almost anything to look good. She never misses a chance to talk to her fans on Facebook.
She doesn't like going out and would rather stay in and sleep. She hates people who lie and spread rumors, and if she found out that someone was like that, she would get rid of them right away.People who know her say she takes a long time to get angry and is a quiet person who doesn't say much even when she should. She wants to spend any free time she has with her kids and husband, Geoffrey Lutaaya, who is also her coworker and boss in the eagles production Band.
Irene wears things like Fantastic perfumes. She likes to take vacations in London and Dubai, but she has also been to places like the United States (Boston), Sweden, Denmark, and other places. She says that her fans and her best friends are the most important people to her in terms of friendship. She respects every song she writes because every song she writes has a message for her fans.She owns a full-service beauty salon in Kampala's Freedom City. It has wedding dresses, classic shoes, handbags for parties, changing dresses, and more.
She shops at Camden Town Center in London, UK. If she hasn't traveled, she still gets what she needs from London. She also likes to do business on the Internet. She wanted to be a lawyer, but her talent for music took her in a different direction.She now has more than seven CDs and DVDs with more than six songs on each.
Irene wants her music to be heard in East Africa and maybe even the whole world. Musa Kavuma is the name of her promoter.