Nince Henry
Nince "Sekyanzi" Henry is from Uganda, and he plays music and writes songs. Around the year 1989, he was born. He became well-known in Uganda's music scene after writing hit songs for Bebe Cool, Juliana Kanyomozi, Iryn Namubiru, and others. Also, Nince Henry can sing. He has released songs like "Cinderella," "Mali yangu," "mpola mpola," and others that Ugandan radio stations have played. In 2012, Nince wrote songs with Juliana for some projects. This happened after Nince wrote "Sikyakaaba," a song that Juliana was supposed to put out. Nince and Juliana did not agree on everything, though, and they both wrote songs with the same title and lyrics. This made it hard to figure out who owned the song, which made it less likely that the two musicians would work together again. Nince's first concert was in 2013 and was called "MPOLA MPOLA CONCERT."
In the beginning, Nince made music by writing songs. But after writing some good songs for other musicians, he also started making music recordings. In 2011, he released a song called "Cinderella," which helped him break into the Ugandan music business.
Discography \sCinderella
Mpola mpola Sikyakaaba
Kabiriti Kaberebere Taata womuntu Basusi bamenvu Music Awards 2014 Zina Best Lyrics writer