Serena Bata
Serena Bata Biography
What is Serena Bata's name?
Serena Batamuliza, who goes by the stage name Serena Bata, is a singer and recording artist from Uganda. In 2017, her song "Yegwe Munange" became a big hit all over Uganda. It reached number one on the list of the most played songs on Ugandan radio. Her contract is with Abtex Promotions Uganda.
2. When did Serena Bata come into the world?
Serena Bata was born in Mityana, Butayunja, with her parents, where she grew up.
What school did Serena Bata go to?
Serena Bata went to Buzibazi Primary School and Kitwe Primary School, where she passed her Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) and then went to St. Kizito Banda Secondary School, where she dropped out.
4. When did Serena Bata start singing?
Serena Bata started singing in 2015, but her big break came in 2017 when she released the hit song "Ndaga Kyoweka" with the legendary folk artist Gerald Kiwewa. This song made her famous in Kampala and Central Uganda. It wasn't until Yegwe Munange came out that people all over the country knew who she was.
When did Serena Bata agree to work with Abtex Promotions?
Serena Bata signed with Abtex Promotions in December 2020, but the official announcement didn't come out until January 2021. This was after the singer broke up with her former manager and boyfriend, Sipapa, with whom she had worked in 2020.
6. Serena Bata has a boyfriend, but who is he?
Serena Bata is currently single, but she used to be with her ex-boyfriend Sipapa. The two dated in 2020, but their relationship didn't last long because they broke up on their own.
7. How much does Serena Bata have in the bank?
Serena Bata has a net worth of 90.3 million Ugandan shillings. In 2019, which was her highest-earning year, she made 26 million Ugandan shillings. In 2022, when concerts and tours start up again, she is expected to make more than 27 million Ugandan shillings.