Sheila Nvanungi Latest Songs

Bifekeera By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Captain Nahotha By Sheilah Nva...
Doctor by Nvanungi Sheila...
Eriiso By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Kiriza By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Nakupenda By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Nantamegwa By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Obwumu buluma by Sheialh Nvanu...
Obwumu buluma by Sheialh Nvanu...
Olusirika By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Omulangira By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Wana Inchi By Sheilah Nvanungi...
Sheila Nvanungi
RNB Artist

Sheila Nvanungi is a renowned female Ugandan artist, known for her roles as an actor, performer, TV presenter, and recording artist.

Sheilla Cinderella Nvanungi is the daughter of Omulangira George William Juuko Walugembe Kassabanda, born in 1982.

Sheila has previously worked as a presenter for Bukedde TV, CBS FM, and Bukedde FM. Currently, she serves as a program host on STV, which is owned by Sulaiman Kabangala Mbuga, a prominent city tycoon and philanthropist.

STV is located in Buziga and is managed by Mbuga’s wife, Vivienne Mbuga.

Sheila Nvanungi was featured in the BBC Three Reality TV show titled “Under Cover Princesses,” which was produced in 2009 and aired on April 12, 2010.

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