Willy Mukabya
Willy Mukabya, a renowned Ugandan 'Kadongo Kamu' Singer, embarked on his musical journey in 1987, showcasing his talent with hit tracks like "Abantu balamu bayina fitina," "Kayanda," "Akagali kange," "Omwenzi omusiru," "Ekijanjalo kifa nfumba," "Abagisu nembalu," among others.
Fondly referred to as Musanyusa (happiness), Mukabya's music delves deeply into social and cultural themes, each composition unfolding a unique narrative.
In the 1980s, Mukabya established the Talanta African Singers group, which remains active and vibrant to this day.
His popularity soared in the late 1980s with the release of "Kayanda 1 & 2," a compelling saga revolving around a houseboy named Kayanda who absconds with his employer's wife.Among his notable albums are "Teri mulimu mubi," advocating against job discrimination, "Wasi-Wasi," cautioning taxi drivers about passenger safety, and "Mukulike Olutalo," paying homage to the 1986 NRM liberation war.
With a discography comprising eight albums, including the six-track audio tape "Akaggaali" and his debut video "Ekibuga Ndombolo," Mukabya continues to captivate audiences with his evocative storytelling and timeless melodies.