Zulitums Latest Songs

Personal By Zulitums...
Easy By Zulitums...
Counting On You Zulitums...
Oluvanyuma By Zulitums...
One Minute By Zulitums...
You Know Why By Zulitums Ft Sk...
Tabu By Zulitums...
Bulamu By Zulitums...
Uberman By Zulitums...
No You By Zulitums...
Kamese By Zulitums...
Gwegula By Zulitums Ft Lynda ...
Zonto By Deejay LL Ft Zulitums...
Afro Pop Artist

Sam Ssemwogerere, also known as Zuli Tums, is a musician, songwriter, and audio producer from Uganda who is signed with Blacqavay.  He was born and raised in the Nakaseke district village of Lukumbi, but he went to the Ronnie and Violah nursery school.

He went to Kamwokya Islamic for primary school, Kololo Secondary School for O level, and Kololo High for A level, and that was it.

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